Edi Yanto (何 萬 新)

Archive for May 23rd, 2009

The Excel output can’t showing the image (even after you save and send to another person or open it at different notebook), but it is showing only small red color empty cross written ‘An Image’.  Why???
As many of you know or have noticed, our Excel output for all flavors of BIP/XMLP is not true binary Excel output. It’s actually XHTML with the mime type set  to get Excel to open it. Understand its not Excel HTML but XHTML.  So, there is going to be a limit in what you can generate in the Excel output.

Where are the images in the Excel?
* You need to set a couple of properties to allow use to access them and you need to be connected to the network to get the images.

Base image URI html-image-baseuri Base URI which is inserted into the src attribute of the image tag before the image file name. This works only when the image is embedded in the template.
Image file directory html-image-dir Enter the directory for XML Publisher to store the image files that are embedded in the template.

With standalone the Excel output is actually MHTML where we can embed the images directly in the HTML file so you don’t need the properties set.

* In the “Web” Tab of the the image properties.
Paste an image in the template where you would like your image to be displayed in the output. Double click the image. In the “Web” Tab of the the image properties write this:


where CP_IMAGE_LOC contains your unix directory path where my logo.gif file resides. CP_IMAGE_LOC is a placeholder in your rdf and hence is part of my XML output.
OR you can set the like this:


Our Excel is not true Excel and it has a limited set of functionality but for many users its enough just to get the data out into Excel.

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Edi Yanto
Oracle Applications Technical Consultant
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May 2009



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